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Judo Fight

5 Level Self-Defense Training

Wouldn't it be great if we could just live our lives taking care of ourselves with no interference from anyone?  Reality shows us daily this is not the case.  It boils down to one factor......people.


Learning self-defense isn't just for physical confrontations even though that is a large part of it.  It's for dealing with your loved ones and those around you on a daily basis.  It's for cleaning up your body language and verbal responses to the bullies in your life.  And it's about having the ability to control the amount of response you give when it does slip over into a physical engagement.  Training to become someone that can masterfully handle and then de-escalate situations instead of being the one that makes them worse.


Our 5 LEVEL Self-Defense will be offered at Ranger's Ridge soon.  Sign-up here to stay updated for when it comes available.  If you are interested in hosting our 5 Level Self-defense Course at your location, please Contact Us.  For those looking to get a head start on their self-defense skills, please check out our affiliate Martial Arts School below...

Image by Joshua Jamias
Father and son arguing with each other
two teenage boys doing mini-hand stands in woods
teenage girl being bullied by peers
bearded man practicing kali stick flow drills
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